For the second year running colleagues from Wain Estates and Wain Group spent two days at the inspirational Warrington Youth Zone helping Santa to sort presents for the centre’s Christmas Grotto
The Youth Zone is a haven for young people aged 7-19 with its own recording studio and gym and offers more than 20 different activities every day.
Colleagues who helped last year were so inspired by the work they returned again this year bringing with them a host of different gifts which were added to donations from other local businesses.
The team then helped select appropriate gifts which were then put together in a hamper and beautifully wrapped in time for the big day.
Wain Estates Associate Planning & Development Director, Natalie Webster, said: “The Youth Zone does fantastic work and it was a privilege to be able to help spread some Christmas joy to the young people who come along. It shows the power of community and the difference when we all work together.”